A Better Tomorrow™ around the world

A Better Tomorrow™ around the world


A Better Tomorrow™ around the world


BAT’s A Better Tomorrow™ ambition has been making headlines around the world as Management Board members Hae In Kim and Johan Vandermeulen spoke to high profile media outlets about our transformation.

Hae In Kim

Hae In, BAT’s Director of Talent, Culture and Inclusion, chatted with renowned business magazine Forbes about BAT’s recruitment step-change, her leadership style and much more.

She also conducted an in-depth interview with Korean newspaper Dong-A Ilbo  which focused on her career path, the importance of a strong corporate ethos and our D&I ambitions and successes.

Referring to BAT’s New Category progress, Hae In said: “We need talent with a broad range of expertise – from electronic device development and intellectual property rights, through to salesforce. Diversity is more important than ever as we transform the way we work and the different capabilities required from our talent.”

Talking about career development Hae In added: “BAT’s culture encourages teamwork and I value team member development very much. I tell my junior colleagues: ‘if you want to be promoted in the future you need to nurture your successor yourself.”

Johan Vandermeulen

Johan, BAT’s Regional Director, Europe, spoke to Belgian magazine Trends  about our business transformation, regulation, and business performance in the first half of the year.

Johan said: “We are ambitious. We aim to achieve £5 billion in New Category revenue by 2025 and to have 50 million consumers of our non-combustible products by 2030.

“The aim is to encourage as many of those smokers who do not wish to quit smoking to switch to our reduced-risk alternatives* as possible. The number of consumers using our non-combustible brands passed the 20-million mark in the first half of the year.”

* Based on the weight of evidence and assuming a complete switch from cigarette smoking. These products are not risk free and are addictive.