Women in Science video scoops award


Women in Science video scoops award

11 AUGUST 2020

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11 August 2020

Our Women in Science campaign video had scooped an international award!

Back in February, we marked International Day of Women and Girls in Science by celebrating the achievements of our female scientists and shone a spotlight on their world-class research.

We are delighted that our video has won a platinum award in the long-form video category at this year’s dotCOMM Awards. The international online competition is run by the Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals and honours excellence in web creativity and digital communication.

Sarah Cooney, a senior manager in the Science Comms team, said it was great to get recognition for our diverse group of talented scientists.

“We are delighted to have won a dotCOMM award for our Women in Science campaign. We know BAT has always championed women’s careers and this award is testament to the fantastic work being carried out by our scientists here in R&D. They discussed their professional journeys and shared what motivated them in their careers, and I hope they have inspired others to seek an exciting career in science.

“The video was incredibly well received on social media and initiatives like this help us to give people a better understanding of our industry, serving as tools for engagement and recruitment.”

BAT’s commitment to diversity and equality in the workplace was reinforced by the launch of our Women in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) initiative in 2019. Using external partnerships and internal learning and development platforms, the initiative aims to attract, develop and retain more women in our R&D, Operations and Information & Digital Technology (IDT) functions. Our pioneering women and valuable male allies featured in the national Women in STEM campaign in June, with coverage in The Week and womeninstem.co.uk Opens in new window.